„1000 ha for the sun” is a new initiative of the Polish Potato Federation and the Association of prof. Żmijewski.

The aim of the initiative is to promote renewable energy sources in rural areas, which, according to the initiators, should become an important opportunity for the development of rural areas and their communities.

The initiators will indicate in their activities that the involvement of agricultural communities, local governments, local communities from rural areas in the process of energy transformation towards energy from renewable sources will lead, among others, down:

  • improving the conditions for running a business (competitiveness) and the quality of life in the countryside
  • creating active attitudes towards participation in the local energy market
  • shaping the ecological awareness of rural residents,
  • improving the stability of energy supplies in rural areas,
  • stabilization of prices and the volume of agricultural production,
  • increase in farmers’ income as a result of increasing demand for organic / green food and clean energy.

The initiative is part of this year’s Potato Poland 2021 event