On April 23, 2021, preparations for a demonstration farm within Potato Poland began. The aim is to present modern IT and hardware solutions that support and optimize potato production.
The Digital Crops company (https://www.digitalcrops.pl/) performed an electromagnetic conductometer scan. Conductometric scanning is aimed at optimizing the necessary partial samples and helps to determine the places of installation of sensors monitoring soil hydration.
Based on the results of the study, the sites for taking soil samples for chemical analysis were designated. Both activities were performed using the AgriSoil system (https://www.digitalcrops.pl/agrisoil-system-analizy-gleby-konduktometr-oraz-proby-glebowe/), which automatically determines where soil samples are taken, allows you to print labels and marks the sampling sites with a GPS tag.
All the collected data and soil test results are available in the FarmPortal system, which allows for comprehensive monitoring of agricultural production using sensors.
The next stage is the installation of MetPRO meteorological stations and ReHydro sensors monitoring soil irrigation. The demonstration farm will also be equipped with sensors enabling automatic registration of agrotechnical treatments and solutions for monitoring the microclimate in the storage room.
Members of the Polish Potato Federation can obtain a free license for the FarmPortal application as part of the membership fee. Registration link: https://farmportal.eu/pfz-rejestracja-farmportal/